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In Memory of Mitchell Louis Robinson

"After Mitchell graduated from high school I bought him a pendant that he never took off his neck. Mitch loved jewelry. He begged me to let him get his ear pierced when he was just 9 years old. Since I was going through somewhat of a rebellious stage myself from the whole PTA scene, and fancied myself a bit of a misunderstood artist, I got a second piercing in one of my ears at the same time. He thought it was pretty cool. I wanted my children to express themselves and celebrate their individuality. I had no idea it would lead to face piercing and tattooing in his teen years (Even when I told him he would have to wait until he was out of the house to do so!).
The thing about Mitch was he was never disrespectful in his rebellion. The child never raised his voice to his father and I. We struggled during the middle school years with his homework. He would pout, that was about it. He may have looked scary with his stature, his piercings and his 'toos,' but he was always funny, always playful, always sweet. He didn't have a mean bone in his body. He was yin and yang. In fact, that was one of his favorite symbols as a grade schooler. He was always researching new symbols for his latest tattoos. The common thread seemed to be about polarity and opposition. He enjoyed being somewhat of an outsider. He didn't make the football team and didn't make straight A's, so he got attention in a different way. He wanted life on his own terms. He wanted to be his Mama and Daddy's good boy, his sister's good brother, be his friend's great friend and there was never enough time for it all. He wanted to be it all for all of us. I think most of us would say he was.

Mitch's pendant wasn't with him when his father and I picked up his belongings from the Douglas County Sheriffs Dept. We were given an envelope with his ring, his chain and his earrings.
I was heartbroken that the pendant that I gave my son was lying in the field where he died. My brother and his wife, my dad, my friend Kathy and her son, Adam, from Atlanta, and Kevin and I went to the crash site and looked through the devastation. It was more than I could bare seeing parts of his broken car strewn across the embankment. Looking for his tiny silver pendant was like looking for a needle in a haystack. We gave up, utterly shattered.
Never has a father loved a son more than Kevin. The nights after Mitch left us, he would go onto the deck wrapped up in a blanket and look for him in the stars and beg him for a sign. He was desperate to know that his son was nearby.
Kevin spoke to the police officer that was on the scene the night of the accident and got an idea of where our boy was found. Two days after our search party had failed to find the pendant, Kevin searched the field on his own. I was worried when he was late coming home from work and called to check on him. GUESS WHAT I AM HOLDING IN MY HAND? Mitch showed his daddy where his pendant lay so that he could bring it home to me.
The pendant is a tribal symbol called Annex. It means 'Awakening to One's Senses.' I think this is how Mitch lived his life.
Thank you Baby Boy."
-Stacy Robinson, May 2, 2007
Charm works for shot woman
By Paul Anderson
A LUCKY Chinese necklace charm about the size of a 20c piece saved the life of a young woman shot by a mystery gunman in a suburban street early yesterday.
The woman, 29, was standing outside a friend's house in Noble Park when the gunman jumped from a car and fired a small-calibre pistol at her from close range.
The bullet hit the necklace charm and deflected across the woman's chest. Detectives were amazed at the woman's luck. If the bullet had not struck the Chinese medallion, they said, she probably would have been killed.
"There is no doubt she was the luckiest woman in Melbourne (yesterday) morning," Sen-Det Brian Howard, of Springvale police, said.
"She was saved by the small medallion which would be about 2 cm. in width." She was wearing it around her neck and it was resting on her chest.
"The bullet has hit the lucky charm . . . and then either a part of the charm of the bullet has hit her chest causing a laceration."
The woman was taken to Dandenong Hospital where the wound was stitched. Sen-Det. Howard said the shooting happened about 12:30 a.m. The woman was standing outside the house on Jellicoe St. when a car, possibly white, pulled up and the gunman jumped out. A pony-tailed man about 194 cm. tall was seen running along Jellicoe St. after the shooting. Anyone with information is urged to call Springvale CIU on 9546-2929 or Crime Stoppers on 1-800-333-0000.

John's Story
"I bought the Aurora pendant at a time in my life when things didn't seem like they would ever get better. The Aurora meaning is vision and new beginning. From the moment I put it on, that's exactly what it brought to me. I am a Bico believer!"
-John Ceres, California